Sunday, September 27, 2009

Homework 3: Interaction with mouse

HW03-1: Drawing Board
Write a simple electronic drawing board with size of 500*400. You can draw lines by using your mouse with different five colors and three different stroke size.
The goal of this homework is to learn pmouseX, pmouseY , buttons, and save images in Processing.
*Go to Page 208 in the PDF file and learn the elementary functions of mouse in Processing.

HW03-2: Twelve Eyes
Extend the result of HW02-3. Each cell in the above picture can be considered as an eye. Write a processing program to let these eyes can trace the mouse of your computer, i.e., the locations of ellipse are determined by mouseX, and mouseY which are two keywords of Processing recording the X-coordinate and Y-coordinate of your mouse.
The goal of this homework is to develop a processing program which can interact with your mouse.
*Go to Page 206 in the PDF file and learn the elementary functions of mouse in Processing.

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