Friday, June 26, 2009

The course of Interactive Media

Processing is a programming language developed for interactive technologies including vector/raster drawing, image processing, color models, mouse and keyboard events, and network communication. Libraries easily extends Processing’s ability to generate sound, 2D or 3D objects.

Arduino is a platform including a hardware and a software. The hardware is a simple input/output board and the software a development environment implemented by Processing. Arduino can be used to develop a standalone interactive objective or can be connected to software on your computer such as Processing, or Flash.

A demonstrative example of Processing and Arduino:

Referenced Links:

The evaluation of the score:
1. Homework (10%) and participation( 課堂加分) 30%
2. A  test for Processing - 20%
3. A project for  Processing  - 20%
4. A project for Arduino - 20% 
- Team work is encouraged in this course and
two students are allowed in each team.

Please find your partner right now and have a seat with your partner in this semester.

Rules of the course of Interactive Media
1. ‘Learning by coding’ is the distinguishing feature of the course.
- Each class is divided into two sections: Instruction and experiment.

2. Discussions are very much encouraged but ONLY during the section of experiment.

3. No discussion is allowed while broadcasting demonstrations and instructions. For any violation, 10 points will be deducted from your final score each time.

4. Students are asked to be on time in the class. For any violation, 5 points will be deducted from your final score each time.

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